Are you looking for heavy duty shelving in your warehouse storage space?
Do you need shelving that can accommodate pallets and forklifts?
Do you need a high capacity, powered mobile racking system that can handle the demands you’ll make on it?
Would you like advanced Safety Features?
Would you like to make better use of your warehouse space, and find the most cost effective way to configure your floorspace?
SAFERAK 32 Mobile Racking offers 32,000 lbs (14,514 kg) of capacity per double rack section, with a maximum carriage length of 100 feet (30.5 meters).
If your warehouse storage requires a greater weight capacity, check out our SAFERAK 60
If your warehouse storage requires a lesser weight capacity, check out our RACK&ROLL 16 Industrial Compact Shelving
SAFERAK 32 has been designed for Industrial Environments. This Powered Mobile Racking can help you maximize the efficiency, and minimize the current costs of your warehouse storage space.
SAFERAK 32 offers many standard and optional safety features to ensure compliance with the most stringent regulations. Our proactive safety features promote peace of mind. The ePulse Remote Monitoring and Configuring Software, along with advanced sensors, enhance productivity and efficiency. PIN-code accessibility provides enhanced security.

Self-diagnostic software constantly monitors powered systems for optimal functionality, system errors and malfunctioning sensors. Any alerts or issues can be emailed automatically to minimize any potential downtime and also for security matters. Most importantly, you and your employees will find the operation is safe to use and user-friendly.
Having dedicated aisles in your warehouse, so your forklifts and other machinery can access your storage items, decreases your storage capacity, often by more than half. Would you like to increase your storage capacity or create more room for production and other activities? The high-capacity, high-performance SAFERAK 32 solution could free up over 50% of your existing storage area, by compacting your racking and eliminating wasteful aisle space.
This powered mobile pallet racking system is designed to improve the efficiency and productivity of your storage area. Storage space costs money. If you stick with the fixed-aisle storage method, you may have to buy, build or rent additional space. SAFERAK 32’s powered movable racking system, on the other hand, helps prevent the need for these costly measures. It opens up more space by transferring your racking to heavy-duty industrial mobile carriages.
Is SAFERAK 32 worth the investment? Yes! With SAFERAK 32, there’s a rapid return on your investment. The powered mobile racking pallet system enables you to lower production costs, streamline workflow and improve inventory management by consolidating the organization of your materials and reconfiguring your floor space. What’s more, it can be customized to suit the needs of your company and your industry.
SAFERAK 32 is also eco-friendly, since it contributes to a more sustainable workspace by reducing your warehousing’s energy consumption and environmental impact.
The bottom line is that with SAFERAK 32, you can be confident you are making the most of your industrial warehouse storage. This movable, powered pallet racking solution offers far greater efficiency and productivity than conventional storage systems.
If you’d like help exploring and understanding your options, Contact SmartSpace GTA, for a free consultation.